
It’s Never Too Late to Hire An Accountant

We’re 10 days from the 2018 tax filing deadline, do you know what your results will be? Did you file a tax extension because your financials were messier than you realized? You’re not alone. If you run a business and arrived to tax season unprepared, it’s most likely because you neglected to keep up on your financial record keeping. If you haven’t already done so, you’ll soon be faced with spending countless hours organizing your information. The worst part of that is if you’re not versed in accounting, you might not get the right answer!

Separate Your Piggy Banks: The Importance of Having Business vs. Personal Accounts

When you run a business, you have a lot to manage. Sometimes things get overlooked in the beginning, like setting up a bank account dedicated solely to the business. Why would that be important? Well, for starters, it helps keep your business and personal transactions separated, which is a best practice. There are also the legal issues which can result if you do not take the time to separate the two types of transactions. Nowadays many banks offer free business checking accounts so there shouldn't be much holding you back.

Work Smarter Not Harder! 5 Hassle-Free QBO Tips & Tricks to Save Your Business Time & Money with Bookkeeping

As an Atlanta CPA firm, we rely heavily on QBO software to make our client’s business operations better as well as our own firm’s operations. Read below for the top tips we want to share as a top Atlanta bookkeeping firm.